Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Internship opportunity

I am contacting you on behalf of The International, a news website that features articles from a variety of sources on issues of public interest: http://www.theinternational.org.


We are currently looking for reporters of international relations topics at the University of Indiana - Bloomington. We provide our interns with all the training on how to write for the online environment while maintaining high journalistic standards, a skill that proves invaluable for anyone who may want to break into journalism or write a blog in the future.


A little about us: We are a small, but dedicated team that works toward furthering global understanding of issues through focused investigative journalism. Our team has always been quite young, with most of us in our twenties, but we have established very high standards for ourselves. Our goal is not to shape what people think, but to carefully nourish a more perspicacious approach towards consuming the news. We are an independent company.


If you want to dig deeper into what The International is and offers, you can take a look at our editorial policy here: http://www.theinternational.org/EP.


Finally, you can email your students and point them to apply for our internships here: http://www.theinternational.org/opportunities. We can only process applications sent through this link. Please let me know if you have any questions.


Thank you,


Jenny Peek

Managing Editor, The International

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