Monday, August 29, 2011

Brookings Institution Invites Young Scholars to Participate at a Global Governance Audit

The growing significance of global interdependence is well understood, as is the inherent difficulty of managing global problems through the voluntary and ad hoc cooperation of nation-states. The field of global governance would benefit from a global and inclusive audit that addresses its breakthroughs and failures. The Brookings Institution and the Global Policy journal invite senior university students and young scholars from around the world to ponder the following three questions:
·        What are notable achievements in global governance and global cooperation, and why? Please be specific.
·        Name three major breakthroughs in global governance arrangements that you would like to see achieved in the next 5-10 years, and explain why.
·        What are the key obstacles to the development of global governance, global cooperation and solidarity, and explain why?
The essays addressing these three questions should be no longer than 1,200 words and should be submitted by students and scholars currently affiliated with an academic institution or a think tank and between 20-35 years of age. Please send submissions to both and by October 15, 2011. Accepted essays will be published on Global Policy's website and will be featured in a Brookings working paper.

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